
Do Everything You Can to Prevent a Clogged Oil Filter

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of oil changes. Regularly changing your vehicle’s oil also puts a new oil filter in the engine so the old one does not clog. J&R Automotive – the CAR FIX auto service shop in Crossville – would be happy to change your SUV, car, or truck’s oil when it needs it. This helps prevent a clogged oil filter and the problems listed below associated with it.

Sluggish Engine Performance

It might seem strange that a clogged oil filter can affect your engine’s performance, but it can. The oil does more than just lubricate moving parts; it also cools the engine and cleans it. If the oil filter is clogged, it will not be able to clean the motor oil when it flows through it. Consequently, the dirty oil will deposit grime in the engine that heats it up and slows down its performance.

Reduction in Fuel Economy

This excess grime will also indirectly reduce your fuel economy because the inefficient engine will burn more fuel. When you take into account how expensive gasoline and diesel fuel are these days, you realize it’s more economical to have your oil changed every six months or 3,000 miles than it is to suffer from poor fuel economy. Filling the tank costs much more.

Reduction in Oil Pressure

A clogged oil filter is also going to reduce the engine’s oil pressure because the oil will have trouble flowing through the filter. Unfortunately, this will mean that you don’t have enough oil circulating through the engine, and the engine control unit – the main computer chip – is going to turn on the oil light to let you know there is trouble with the oil.

Strange Metallic Noises

Depending on how little oil is circulating through the engine, you may end up with strange noises coming from the engine that are metallic in nature. This is a sign that the oil cannot pass through the clogged filter, and, as a consequence, you do not have enough oil in the engine. The parts are grinding against each other and damaging each other.

Increased Harmful Emissions

In addition to all of the above, if you live in a state that keeps track of vehicle emissions, you may run into trouble with a clogged oil filter. As the oil deposits grime throughout the engine, the engine burns it and releases excess harmful emissions in the vehicle’s exhaust.

J&R Automotive – a member of the CAR FIX Group – is located in Crossville, TN, and we would be happy to change your vehicle’s oil if you are overdue for the service. Call us today.

Photo by chiewr from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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