
Do I Need to Replace My Automatic Transmission?

There may come a time when you need to replace your car, truck, or C/SUV’s automatic transmission if the vehicle is old or you fail to maintain the transmission per the manufacturer’s service schedule. CAR FIX Crossville can rebuild or replace your transmission when it needs it. Here are signs that it does.

Check Engine Light

Your vehicle’s check engine light may turn on if the transmission is malfunctioning. The transmission does not have a light of its own, so the engine control unit relies on the check engine light to warn you of transmission problems.

Hot/Burning Smells

Hot or burning smells coming from the transmission are also a sign of transmission problems. Usually, the transmission will overheat because the transmission fluid is old and dirty or too low. It’s important to have the fluid changed right away.

Leaking Red Fluid

Leaking red fluid underneath your automobile toward the center is a sign that the transmission is leaking. Transmission fluid can leak out of the transmission hoses, the transmission pan gasket, or the transmission pan among other system parts.


If your automobile shakes or vibrates when the automatic transmission shifts the gears, this is a sign that the transmission needs to be serviced at a minimum. All gear shifts should be smooth and the only movement should be the changes in the engine’s RPMs.

Slipping Out of Gear

Transmissions that need to be replaced may also slip out of gear once they are in gear. A sign that your transmission has slipped out of gear is a significant loss of power accompanied by high engine RPMs. Your vehicle has slipped into neutral.

Strange Noises

Strange noises coming from the transmission, such as grinding or squealing, are a sign that the transmission needs to be serviced at a minimum. Your automatic transmission should never “clunk” into gear either.

Won’t Go Into Gear

If your automatic transmission refuses to go into gear altogether, this is definitely a sign that the transmission needs to be serviced at a minimum or replaced at a maximum. Unfortunately, the latter is more likely.

Won’t Shift Gears

A transmission replacement is also the likely solution to the transmission refusing to shift through the gear cycle. Anytime the transmission becomes unresponsive is a suggestion the transmission is seriously damaged.

CAR FIX the best auto shop in Crossville, TN. Call us today if your automobile is having automatic transmission problems.


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