
I Smell Something Hot When I Press Down on My Clutch

CAR FIX Crossville advises that your clutch may be slipping if you smell something hot every time you use it. What we mean by slipping is that the clutch engages for a brief moment before it slips out of engagement. Unfortunately, this means that the clutch is not engaged even though you have it pressed down. Naturally, this can create the problems we are going to list below. Unfortunately, this is also a sign that your clutch needs to be replaced. We will inspect the clutch thoroughly to see if we can rebuild it or adjust it instead of replacing it.

Problems Shifting Gears

When the clutch is engaged, it has taken the power that the engine is generating and moved it to the transmission. The transmission needs this power so it can turn the drivetrain and you can shift gears. If the power slips back to the engine because the clutch cannot stay engaged, you will have difficulty shifting through the gear cycle and the gears will grind. Unfortunately, the problem may get to the point where you can’t shift the gears at all. This is a sign that you need a new clutch.

Acceleration Hesitation

Another sign that the transmission does not have the power it needs to turn the drivetrain is hesitation when you try to accelerate your car, truck, or C/SUV after you shift a gear. The lack of response to the accelerator points to a problem with the drivetrain turning. In the case of the clutch, if it has gone bad, the transmission cannot turn the drivetrain because the power is with the engine.

Strange Sponginess

Another sign that your clutch is going bad is if it feels strange when you press down on it. In most cases, the time for a new clutch is indicated by a spongy clutch. Your clutch will feel soft and squishy. In severe cases, it may fail to catch at the catch point and sink all the way to the floorboard.

Higher Catch Point

Speaking of the catch point, this place where you shift the gears gets higher and higher as the clutch wears out. At first, you may not notice a problem. Eventually, you will be able to tell that the catch point is higher. Naturally, this will affect the ease at which you can shift gears.

CAR FIX is the best auto shop in Crossville, TN. Give us a call today to schedule a service visit so we can inspect your clutch.

Photo by uatp2 from getty images via Canva Pro

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