
Signs My Car’s Catalytic Converter Has Been Stolen

It’s hard to believe that catalytic converter theft is a common problem, but it is. People steal catalytic converters from underneath vehicles for their metal. You will not realize that your catalytic converter has been stolen until you fire up your car, truck, or utility vehicle. CAR FIX Crossville can replace your catalytic converter if you have been the unfortunate victim of a theft. Here are signs that your catalytic converter has been stolen.

An Extremely Loud Engine

You will notice that your engine is extremely loud when you first start your automobile after the catalytic converter has been removed. In fact, the engine will roar loudly until you replace the converter. Have your vehicle towed to our shop to avoid a moving violation for a loud engine.

Check Engine Light Warning

The check engine light will also turn on when you start your automobile if the catalytic converter is missing. Unfortunately, the check engine light will remain illuminated until you replace the converter. This is because the engine control module receives error codes due to the missing converter.

Emissions Test Failure

If you live in a Tennessee county that requires emissions testing, your vehicle will fail the emissions test if the catalytic converter is missing. This is because the hydrocarbons found in your vehicle’s exhaust will not be converted to safer emissions that won’t harm the environment.

Feeling Sick When You Drive

If you feel sick every time you drive your automobile, especially when the windows are down, this, too, is a sign that your car does not have the catalytic converter underneath it. The exhaust is full of carbon monoxide because the catalytic converter has not converted it to carbon dioxide.

Jerky Vehicle Acceleration

Normally, the engine pushes the exhaust into the catalytic converter so it can be treated. The catalytic converter prevents your vehicle from jerking when the engine pushes the exhaust. A missing catalytic converter will make your automobile jerk when you accelerate.

Reduction in Low-End Torque

Finally, your engine produces torque when you are driving either slowly or at higher speeds. The torque is called low-end torque when you are driving slowly. A missing catalytic converter will cause your vehicle to lose power when you are driving slowly because it reduces the low-end torque.

Call us today if you believe your catalytic converter has been stolen off your automobile.

Photo by Deepblue4you Getty Images via Canva Pro

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