
What Is the Burning Odor Coming From Underneath My Car?

The burning odor coming from underneath your car, truck, or utility vehicle could be a sign of catalytic converter problems. More likely, however, your transmission is overheating. This can happen if you haven’t had the transmission fluid changed in over 30,000 miles. CAR FIX Crossville – advises that the transmission fluid is low and dirty. This is just one sign of transmission problems. Here are the others.

Gear Shifting Problems

Your automatic transmission will also struggle to shift gears if it is having problems. It might skip a gear or two in the gear cycle. Another sign the transmission is in trouble is if it slips out of gear. In other words, it will slip from being in gear to neutral all by itself.

Total Unresponsiveness

If you fail to have your transmission serviced or repaired, there will come a point when it becomes completely unresponsive. No matter how hard you try, it will not go into gear. It will also refuse to shift gears even if you can get it into Drive.

Leaking Red Fluid

If you see red spots on your garage floor, your transmission fluid could be low because it is leaking out of the system. The spots will be more toward the center of your automobile than the front. Get the transmission fluid leak fixed ASAP to avoid additional problems.

Strange Noises

Strange noises coming from the transmission also point to a problem with it. For example, you should not hear squealing or humming when your automobile is in neutral. You also shouldn’t hear clunking or grinding when the transmission shifts gears

Strange Sensations

Aside from being silent, the gear shifts should also be smooth. In other words, you should not feel your vehicle vibrate when the transmission is shifting through the gear cycle. The only movement you should feel is the slight give when the engine’s RPMs change.

Check Engine Warning

Finally, most transmission problems are accompanied by a check engine warning on your vehicle’s dashboard. This is an additional notification from your automobile that it is experiencing transmission problems. It’s important to heed this warning.

CAR FIX Crossville – in Crossville, TN, advises that the sooner you have your transmission problems fixed the less damage to the transmission. In other words, you will save money if you bring your vehicle to our shop at the first sign of trouble. This includes any of the symptoms listed above including the burning odors.

Photo by andreygonchar from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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