
Why Is My Car’s Power Steering Acting Strange?

Your car, truck, or utility vehicle’s power steering could be acting strange because there’s a problem with the power steering system, you have a cracked axle, or the power steering pump has died. CAR FIX Crossville can inspect your power steering pump to see if it is going bad and needs to be replaced. Let’s talk about the signs of a faulty power steering pump below.

Constant Groaning Noises

When you turn the steering wheel, the power steering pump will make constant groaning or moaning noises if it is going bad. In some cases, the pump will also whine or squeal. The more you crank the steering wheel the louder the noise will be. The most common sound a faulty power steering pump makes is groaning. If your vehicle makes this sound when you turn corners, stop by our shop.

Power Steering Fluid Leaks

Your power steering pump may also start to leak power steering fluid if it is going bad. If you see red puddles or spots on your garage floor underneath the engine, it’s probable that the power steering fluid is leaking out of the faulty pump. Check your power steering fluid level to see if it is low. If it is, schedule an appointment with us to have the power steering system inspected so we can find the leak.

Gray or Silver Fluid Color

If your power steering fluid has turned from red to gray or silver, this is a very bad sign. The gray or silver in the power steering fluid is disintegrated metal from the power steering pump. In this case, we will need to replace the power steering pump right away because it is disintegrating into the fluid.

Difficulty Turning the Wheel

You may also find that it is difficult to turn your steering wheel. One benefit of power steering is it makes it easy to control your car, truck, or utility vehicle. If you find the steering wheel is hard to turn, or that it gives and takes, the power steering pump is not operating as it should be.


Finally, there may come a point when the power steering pump dies completely and the power steering refuses to respond. In this case, it might feel as if you are driving manual steering or your vehicle will not turn when you turn the steering wheel.

CAR FIX Crossville is the best auto service shop in Crossville, TN, and we’d be happy to replace your power steering pump if it needs it. Call us today.

Photo by Stason4ic from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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